Friday, October 16, 2009

The University of Macau Confer Honorary Professorship to Prof. Franco Maloberti - Franco Maloberti獲澳門大學頒榮譽教授 (Franco Maloberti获澳门大学颁荣誉教授)

The University of Macau hold an honorary professorship conferment ceremony in the STDM Auditorium on 15 October, in which an honorary professorship will be conferred upon Prof. Franco Maloberti in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of microelectronics. Following the ceremony Prof. Franco Maloberti delivered a speech entitled “Analog Design for Human-Centric Smart Living Technologies”.

Prof. Franco Maloberti is among the three most famous scholars in the world in the field of data conversion and signal processing, especially in integrated circuits design for data converters. He has published over 375 papers in various academic journals and conferences, published four books and his research achievements have resulted in 29 patents. Because of his impressive achievement, he also became the recipient of the 12th Pedriali Prize in 1992 for his technical and scientific contributions to national industrial production. He was co-recipient of the 1996 Institute of Electrical Engineers Fleming Premium, the best Paper award, ESSCIRC-2007, and the best paper award, IEEJ Analog Workshop-2007.

澳門大學於10月15日(星期四)下午在大學圖書館STDM演講廳舉行向意大利傑出學者Franco Maloberti頒發榮譽教授典禮, 表揚他在微電子方面的卓越貢獻以及促進澳大的科研發展。 Franco Maloberti隨後就“應用於智慧生活科技之模擬信號集成電路設計”作主題演講。

Franco Maloberti教授在電子數據轉化及信號處理領域上是全球最傑出的三名學者之一。 他同時為該領域培養了無數優秀人才, 實為首屈一指的傑出學者。 尤其是在數據轉化器的集成電路設計有卓越成就。 近年一直積極推動澳大的科研發展。 Franco Maloberti擔任科技學院“模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路實驗室”數據轉化及信號處理專業的科技顧問。 他在學術期刊和會議論文集上共發表了超過三百七十五篇論文, 出版了四部書籍, 其研究成果獲得了二十九項專利。 由於Franco Maloberti教授爲産業界的科技研發作出了巨大貢獻, 他於一九九二年獲得第十二届Pedriali獎。 此外還獲得了電機工程師學會(IEE)一九九六年的Fleming Premium獎、二○○七年歐洲固態電路年會(ESSCIRC)最佳論文獎、二○○七年日本電機工程師學會(IEEJ)模擬工作坊最佳論文獎。

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