Thursday, September 3, 2009

Macau University of Science and Technology propose to build its campus on Hengqin Island 澳門科技大學有意到橫琴辦學 (澳门科技大学有意到横琴办学)

Macau University of Science and Technology propose to build part of its campus on Hengqin Island. The new campus life will allow students to further develop themselves and allowing them to engage in further studies and research. Macau University of Science and Technology is a private institution managed by the MUST Foundation. The University offers both full-time and part-time programs, enrolls a total of 7,000 full-time students. It recruits students from all over the world and mainland China for the undergraduate and graduate programs.

According to the University of Science and Technology, building a campus in Hengqin could can bring benefits for the long-term development of the institution, and it will offer students a better study environment.

Hengqin Island is about triple the size of the 29.2 sq km Macau. Many believes the development of Hengqin Island will provide new spaces for the diversification of Macau's economy.

澳門科技大學在接受澳門媒體采訪時表示, 澳門科大有意並會主動向澳門特區政府提出到橫琴辦學, 期望有更好條件為澳門培育人才。 科技大學認為大專院校的責任包括育人、研究科技成果及服務社會, 因此需要具有規模, 才更有利培養人才。 據悉澳門科大目前在校全日制學生約七千余名, 招生正逐年遞增, 今年招收新生二千多人, 澳門與內地學生約各占一半。

橫琴島位于廣東珠海市南部, 毗鄰港澳, 是澳門現有面積的三倍左右。 島上可供開發土地面積53平方公里, 現仍有40平方公里土地未開發。


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