Tuesday, December 22, 2009

University of Macau new campus promotional video

The new campus of the University of Macau, connected with Macao by a waterway, is located in the east of Hengqin Island, Guangdong Province, with Hengqin Mountain forming a beautiful backdrop. Covering a plot of land of 1.0926 km2 and with a total floor area of approximately 820,000 m2, it will be nearly 20 times larger than the existing campus and will be able to accommodate approximately 10,000 students. An underwater tunnel will be built to connect the new campus with Macao. People will be able to conveniently access the campus from the Macao side at any time without going through any immigration control.

澳門大學新校區位於廣東省橫琴島東部,與澳門一河相連,背倚蔥綠秀美的橫琴山,佔地1.0926平方公里,比現時的校園約大20 倍,建築面積約82萬平方米,可容納約一萬名學生。澳門與新校區之間將興建一條河底隧道連接,從澳門一方可全天候隨時進出校園, 沒有邊檢阻隔,非常方便

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New name and campus for IIUM 澳門高等校際學院校名更改為聖保祿新大學 (澳门高等校际学院校名更改为圣保禄新大学)

The Macau Inter-University Institute (IIUM) will be called the University of Saint Joseph from today. The university’s new campus foundation stone ceremony will take place on December 15, with new facilities supposed to open next year, but they were delayed due to the Government’s licensing process. The new campus is located in Ilha Verde, built on a 1.5 hectare site, and will have approximately 30,000 square meters of usable space.

Now it is estimated that the new facilities will be operational within two years. The new campus will allow the university to expand the student body to up to 2000. Currently, there are around 1500 students. It can house an international senior secondary school with up to 800 students, along with an undergraduate student body of 1,200 and around 400 post-graduate students at full capacity.

澳門高等校際學院校名更改為聖保祿新大學。 聖保祿新大學位於青洲聖若瑟教區中學校本部原址, 佔地面積約3萬平方米。 新校園的主體建筑物呈U型, 而且計劃在內設立一所國際學校為聖若瑟教區中學英文部的延續。 相關興建工程即將展開, 包括會興建一幢七層高教學大樓、表演禮堂圖書館及可提供200個電自行車及私家車位的停車場。

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Macau Inter-University Institute opens Russian Centre 澳門高等校際學院設立俄羅斯中心 (澳门高等校际学院设立俄罗斯中心)

The Macau Inter-University Institute (IIUM) and the Russkiy Mir Foundation jointly inaugurated the Russian Centre at the IIUM campus. The Russian Center will be open to all communities and “is responsible for the promotion of the Russian Culture, history, language and literature”, the institute said.

Professor Vyacheslav Nikonov - the executive director, and professor Georgy D. Toloraya - the Asia-Pacific director of the Russkiy Mir Foundation, attended the opening ceremony. The ceremony included a public address on Russia-China relations and a piano recital.

The opening of the Russian Centre in Macau “represents a new chapter in the academic relationship between Macau and the Russian Federation,” IIUM Rector Ruben Cabral said.

澳門高等校際學院11月14日假該校校址舉行俄羅斯中心揭幕儀式。 高等校際學院校長魯本文表示俄羅斯中心的設立“標誌着澳門與俄羅斯之間學術關係的新的一頁”。 該中心向所有社群開放, 宗旨是傳播俄羅斯的語言、文化、歷史和文學。 俄羅斯中心開幕儀式上, 還將有鋼琴演奏。

Friday, October 16, 2009

The University of Macau Confer Honorary Professorship to Prof. Franco Maloberti - Franco Maloberti獲澳門大學頒榮譽教授 (Franco Maloberti获澳门大学颁荣誉教授)

The University of Macau hold an honorary professorship conferment ceremony in the STDM Auditorium on 15 October, in which an honorary professorship will be conferred upon Prof. Franco Maloberti in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of microelectronics. Following the ceremony Prof. Franco Maloberti delivered a speech entitled “Analog Design for Human-Centric Smart Living Technologies”.

Prof. Franco Maloberti is among the three most famous scholars in the world in the field of data conversion and signal processing, especially in integrated circuits design for data converters. He has published over 375 papers in various academic journals and conferences, published four books and his research achievements have resulted in 29 patents. Because of his impressive achievement, he also became the recipient of the 12th Pedriali Prize in 1992 for his technical and scientific contributions to national industrial production. He was co-recipient of the 1996 Institute of Electrical Engineers Fleming Premium, the best Paper award, ESSCIRC-2007, and the best paper award, IEEJ Analog Workshop-2007.

澳門大學於10月15日(星期四)下午在大學圖書館STDM演講廳舉行向意大利傑出學者Franco Maloberti頒發榮譽教授典禮, 表揚他在微電子方面的卓越貢獻以及促進澳大的科研發展。 Franco Maloberti隨後就“應用於智慧生活科技之模擬信號集成電路設計”作主題演講。

Franco Maloberti教授在電子數據轉化及信號處理領域上是全球最傑出的三名學者之一。 他同時為該領域培養了無數優秀人才, 實為首屈一指的傑出學者。 尤其是在數據轉化器的集成電路設計有卓越成就。 近年一直積極推動澳大的科研發展。 Franco Maloberti擔任科技學院“模擬與混合信號超大規模集成電路實驗室”數據轉化及信號處理專業的科技顧問。 他在學術期刊和會議論文集上共發表了超過三百七十五篇論文, 出版了四部書籍, 其研究成果獲得了二十九項專利。 由於Franco Maloberti教授爲産業界的科技研發作出了巨大貢獻, 他於一九九二年獲得第十二届Pedriali獎。 此外還獲得了電機工程師學會(IEE)一九九六年的Fleming Premium獎、二○○七年歐洲固態電路年會(ESSCIRC)最佳論文獎、二○○七年日本電機工程師學會(IEEJ)模擬工作坊最佳論文獎。

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Inauguration Ceremony of the Honours College at University of Macau 澳門大學榮譽學院舉行成立 (澳门大学荣誉学院举行成立)

The inauguration Ceremony of the Honours College at University of Macau was held on the 23rd September at the Cultural Centre of University of Macau. The ceremony was presided by the chief executive officer of Macau and the Chancellor of UM, Edmund Ho.

This newly-established UM Honor’s College will bring together a select group of high-achieving undergraduates from all disciplines, bring together honours students from all disciplines into an academically challenging environment.

The mission of the college is to help students to achieve academic excellence, build an international perspective and establish leadership and social responsibility. Upon completion of all course requirements of the Honours College, these honours students will receive special recognition at congregation and an Honours College diploma.

Graduates of the college would be ready to enter internationally competitive graduate schools, pursue successful careers, lead fulfilling personal and civic lives and be future LEADERS for Macao and beyond.

澳門大學在今年推出一連串的改革計劃, 包括成立榮譽學院。 學院成立典禮於9月23日於澳門大學文化中心舉行。 榮譽學院的理念是吸引優秀學生加入, 培養具領導才能、國際視野的優秀人才。 重點培訓。 澳門行政長官表示, 在全球經濟一體化的挑戰之下, 高質素人才是社會的重要財富, 澳門必須培育優秀的領袖人才以提升澳門的國際競爭力。

榮譽學院課程屬3年制附加課程, 從一年級學生中擇優招收有學術天賦、勤奮和刻苦學習的優秀學生創造條件, 為他們提供最好的校園生活、教學環境及國際體驗。 榮譽學院與學生本科專業課程同步開展, 內容涵蓋領導才能和海外學習等, 首年有41名學生入讀。

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Macau University of Science and Technology propose to build its campus on Hengqin Island 澳門科技大學有意到橫琴辦學 (澳门科技大学有意到横琴办学)

Macau University of Science and Technology propose to build part of its campus on Hengqin Island. The new campus life will allow students to further develop themselves and allowing them to engage in further studies and research. Macau University of Science and Technology is a private institution managed by the MUST Foundation. The University offers both full-time and part-time programs, enrolls a total of 7,000 full-time students. It recruits students from all over the world and mainland China for the undergraduate and graduate programs.

According to the University of Science and Technology, building a campus in Hengqin could can bring benefits for the long-term development of the institution, and it will offer students a better study environment.

Hengqin Island is about triple the size of the 29.2 sq km Macau. Many believes the development of Hengqin Island will provide new spaces for the diversification of Macau's economy.

澳門科技大學在接受澳門媒體采訪時表示, 澳門科大有意並會主動向澳門特區政府提出到橫琴辦學, 期望有更好條件為澳門培育人才。 科技大學認為大專院校的責任包括育人、研究科技成果及服務社會, 因此需要具有規模, 才更有利培養人才。 據悉澳門科大目前在校全日制學生約七千余名, 招生正逐年遞增, 今年招收新生二千多人, 澳門與內地學生約各占一半。

橫琴島位于廣東珠海市南部, 毗鄰港澳, 是澳門現有面積的三倍左右。 島上可供開發土地面積53平方公里, 現仍有40平方公里土地未開發。

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Macau granted jurisdiction over UM new campus on Hengqin Island 澳門將管轄橫琴島澳門大學新校區 (澳门将管辖横琴岛澳门大学新校区)

Macau SAR was authorised to have jurisdiction over the new campus of the University of Macau (UM) on Hengqin Island. This means Macau will exercise jurisdiction over the new campus zone according to the laws of the Macau SAR. The new campus will offer an appropriate academic environment and advanced teaching and research facilities, thereby developing UM into a world-class university.

The UM University Council and University Assembly had been in dialogue with the Government, about the feasibility of setting up a campus on Hengqin Island two years ago. The new campus is expected to complete within three years. The plot of land would be rented to Macau until 19th December, 2049.

The whole campus will cover an area of 1.0926 square km, about 20 times larger than the current campus. A tunnel will be built under the channel to enable 24-hour commuting between the Hengqin campus and the current campus in Macau. People entering or leaving the campus will not be subjected to border control.

Once the new campus is done, the current campus will be serve for educational, academic, cultural, recreational and sports activities that are relevant to the Macau community.

澳門政府將管轄設於珠海市橫琴島其中一部份 - 澳門大學新校區。 新校園將提供適當的學術環境和教研硬件, 全力打造成國際化的一流大學。

新校區與澳門隔水相望, 位於橫琴口岸以南。 面積比現有校園大20倍左右, 約佔地1平方公里, 可容納最少一萬名學生。 澳門以租賃方式取得土地使用權, 期限至2049年12月19日。 日後可以續期。

澳門大學校宣佈, 新校區會用三年時間建成, 屆時有一條24小時全天候運作隧道連接澳門與橫琴校園。 師生、職員、澳門居民及訪客進出校園時毋須辦理邊檢手續。 新校區將分階段有序遷入, 原校址將繼續用作從事與澳門社區有密切聯繫的教學、科研等活動。

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

University of Macau Awarded Macau’s First U.S. Patent in Hi-technology Microelectronics 澳門大學微電子研究獲美國專利 (澳门大学微电子研究获美国专利)

The University of Macau (UM) has earned Macau’s first U.S. patent in hi-technology microelectronics. A UM research team composed of Prof. Rui Martins, UM Vice Rector (Research), Prof. U Seng Pan and Dr. Mak Pui In from the Faculty of Science and Technology, has achieved significant results in very-large-scale integrated circuit chips design, with the research in “Two-Step Channel Selection for Wireless Receiver Front-Ends”. This achievement has put UM at the forefront of the worldwide research in hi-technology microelectronics.

The new technology passed the rigorous review process of the U.S. Patent and Trade Mark Office in May 2009, and was granted the very first U.S. patent in this area in UM and Macau. It has also received the IEEE CASS 2009 Chapter of the Year Award.

澳門大學一項用於多制式接收器的雙階段頻道選取技術高科技微電子研究項目, 成功獲得美國專利。 項目由澳大副校長(研究)馬許願教授, 科技學院余成斌副教授和麥沛然博士等組成的研究團隊長期致力開發。

負責研究, 近年以麥沛然博士為第一主力研發的“用於多制式接收器的雙階段頻道選取技術”更取得了重大突破, 研究成果將可應用在無線電通訊上, 至於配合其研究發展出來的高科技無線電產品, 具有多制式及低成本等特點。

麥沛然, 花了3年多, 在今年五月成功通過美國專利局的嚴格審核才獲取專利, 為澳門及澳大取得了該領域的首個美國專利權, 這標誌著澳大高科技微電子研究的水平已站在國際最前沿。 現時會繼續完善技術, 希望盡快在市場上應用。

Saturday, May 16, 2009

African studies centre launched in Macau 澳門高等校際學院成立“非洲研究及發展中心” (澳门高等校际学院成立“非洲研究及发展中心”)

The Macau Inter-University Institute (IIUM) launched Asia’s fourth African studies centre - African Research and Development Studies (CARDS). The purpose of opening the center is to plan on helping the associations by establishing and publishing their own scientific journals, and it will be coordinated by three of the IIUM’s own African students, whom currently completing their PhD degrees at the institute.

In terms of African studies, only three such centres are presented in Tokyo, Kyoto and Mumbai in which IIUM plans to cooperate with.

澳門高等校際學院成立“非洲研究及發展中心”, 中心成立目的是希望鼓勵教學人員及研究生進行研究和出版著作, 向澳門、香港、中國、亞洲和非洲國家的私立及公營機關提供政策顧問服務等。

“非洲研究及發展中心”研究主要集中在對澳門、香港、中國和非洲國家之貿易和投資進行宏觀研究等。 中心日後將開辦亞非研究暑期課程, 與其他國際大學訂立交流計劃等。

Thursday, April 23, 2009

University of Macau awards George Bush Doctor of Social Sciences Honoris Causa 美前總統老布殊獲澳大授榮譽博士學位 (美前总统老布殊获澳大授荣誉博士学位)

The former president of the United States George Bush was awarded Doctor of Social Sciences Honoris Causa by the University of Macau, at the Texas A and M University in US. The proposal was approved by the University Senate and by the Macau Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau Wah. The ceremony was attended by more than 100 guests and students.

This is in recognition for his outstanding contributions to the Sino-American relations. Bush was conferred by Tse Chi Wai, Chair of the University Council of UM on the ceremony. According to the Portuguese-language newspaper in Macau - Ponto Final, the initiative to award George Bush Honoris Causa was from the rector of the University of Macau, Wei Zhao, who knows the former President personally as he had been a teacher at a University in Texas.

According to a statement from the University, professor Wei Zhao praised Bush for being a “pioneer in the normalisation of the Sino-American relations” – which celebrated its 30th anniversary – and was chief of the US Liaison Office in the People's Republic of China from 1974 to 1975 being the first US official representative to China. He also paid frequent visits to China in his efforts to promote Sino-American relations. Bush has played a significant role in the normalisation of the Sino-American relations and helped the bilateral relationship between China and the US to reach a new height.

George Bush was President of the United Sates between 1988 and 1992 after being in the vice-presidency, during the Ronald Reagan administration in the White House.

澳門大學假美國德克薩斯大學舉行榮譽博士學位頒授典禮, 向美國第四十一任總統喬治‧赫伯特‧沃克‧布殊 (George Herbert Walker Bush) 頒授榮譽社會科學博士學位。 表彰布殊於促進中美關係的傑出貢獻。 百多名嘉賓, 學生出席典禮。 儀式結束後喬治‧布殊與該校學生進行了一場座談會。

澳門大學校長趙偉致辭時表示, 喬治‧布殊是推動中美關係正常化的先驅者, 是美國首位正式派駐中國的官方代表。 喬治‧布殊頻頻訪華, 經過三十年的發展中美關係取得豐碩的成果。 布殊在推動中美關係的過程中作出重大貢獻, 這些成就將繼續造福兩國人民, 對維持世界和平, 穩定與發展起著積極作用。


Saturday, April 18, 2009

English Book Fair

Event Date: Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Organizer: University of Macau English Language Centre
Venue: L108, Luso Chinese Building, University of Macau
Phone: 8397-8120 or 8397-8122
Email: elc.enquiry@umac.mo

Publishers include:
- Oxford University Press
- Longman Hong Kong Education
- Cambridge University Press
- Cengage Learning Hong Kong Ltd.
- Walter de Gruyter
- Taylor & Francis Asia Pacific
- Garnet Education Asia
- The Commercial Press (HK) Ltd.
- Livraria Seng Kwong Limitada

Friday, March 20, 2009

University of Macau offers three new master degree programs 澳門大學新增三個碩士學位

University of Macau will offer three new master degree programs in the coming academic year.

The University of Macau (UM) will offer 3 new Master’s Degree Programs to nurture talents in different disciplines initiated this year, namely Master of Science in Finance, Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Human Development and Master of Arts in International Relations and Public Policy.

The Master of Science in Finance aims to meet the need for more advanced level professionals in finance. It is a way for students to prepare and take certification of their skills in the field such as Chartered Finance Analysis (CFA) or Certified Financial Planners (CFP).

The newly added Master of Education in Early Childhood Education and Human Development demonstrates to meet the global development of early childhood education.

The Master of Arts in International Relations and Public Policy is mainly to nurture talents in the areas of public administration and international relations.

The University of Macau Master's Degree and Postgraduate Certificate Programs are now open for application until April 24th. Applicants can complete the online registration on UM’s webpage http://www.umac.mo for the application of postgraduate studentship.

澳門大學將於2009/2010學年新增3個碩士學位課程, 包括工商管理學院“理學碩士學位課程 - 財務學”, 教授財務專業證書(包括CFA註冊財務分析師和CFP註冊財務策劃師)相關知識外, 將提升學生的研究能力。 教育學院“教育碩士學位課程 - 幼兒教育與人類發展”, 社會科學及人文學院“文學碩士學位課程 - 國際關係及公共政策”, 課程現正接受報名。


澳門大學新學年的碩士學位及學位後證書課程現接受網上報名, 截至四月廿四日。 有意申請研究生奬學金人士可登入澳大網頁 www.umac.mo 或填寫網上報名表及上載所需文件, 成功申請者可獲豁免繳交學費外, 每月將獲發七千五百澳門元津貼, 為期一至兩年。


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The relocation of University of Macau to Hengqin Island 橫琴建澳門大學校區 (横琴建澳门大学校区)

In order to diversify the economy in Macau, the 5 sq km of land near the Lotus Bridge at Hengqin Island will serve as a number of project sites.

After initial planning, the 5 sq km of land will be reserved for the University of Macau and training centers, the rest would be used for industrial developments which is used to develop creative industires - such as animations. The current campus at Taipa and all the other facilities will be relocate to Hengqin Island. The remaining area of about 1 million sq m of land will reserve for other projects such as residential, corporate headquarters, business services, leisure, commercial and residential, theme parks and transport facilities.

The lightrail system in Macau will plan to connect with the Guangzhou-Zhuhai intercity rail system. The southern part of the island will be reserve for a safari park and other entertainment facilities.

為支持澳門經濟「適度多元發展」的開發區, 橫琴島靠近蓮花大橋附近一幅五平方公裡土地, 將作為粵澳橫琴合作項目用地。 該用地為南北走向, 位處蓮花大橋兩側。

經初步規劃, 該5平方公裡的土地中逾90萬平方米用地將預留予澳門大學及人才培訓中心, 其余則用作產業發展和會展物流園區。 屆時位於氹仔的部分澳大校園教學和生活設施, 將遷往橫琴校園區。 毗鄰澳大園區的二十萬平方米用地, 將作為人才培訓中心。

計劃中包括120萬平方米土地用作產業發展園區, 發展園區將發展如珠海近年積極拓展的動漫, 低污染, 低能耗的創新產業。50萬平方米用地則用作會展物流園區。 余下約100萬平方米用地則預留予其它項目。

橫琴島將預留大片土地用作居住、企業總部、商業服務、休閑度假、商住、創業孵化、主題樂園和交通設施等用途。 當中覆蓋珠江三角洲西岸大部分城市的廣珠城際軌道珠海總站, 太澳高速公路亦會在橫琴島近粵澳橫琴合作項目園區落腳。

澳門輕軌系統亦會研究延伸到橫琴島的“合作項目園區”內與廣珠城際軌道系統對接。 貼近“合作項目園區”南端逾100萬平方米呈橢圓形用地, 則規劃為主題樂園用地。 番禺的長隆野生動物園, 也將在這裏發展主題樂園等旅遊度假設施。

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Handover Ceremony of the Adelson Advanced Education Center 澳門大學艾德森高級教育中心交接儀式 (澳门大学艾德森高级教育中心交接仪式)

A ceremony was held on 13rd Jan to commemorate the handover of the venue of Adelson Advanced Education Center to the University of Macau. Adelson Advanced Education Center is a collaborative project between Venetian and the University of Macau. The Center aimed at providing advanced education and management skills for local talent in non-gaming business disciplines.

The 15446 square feet Center consists of a 100-seat lecture hall, 6 multi-function classrooms with seating capacity from 30 to 48 people, 2 meeting rooms, plus an Enterprise Resource Center which is accessible to the public.

由威尼斯人路氹股份有限公司, 澳門大學聯合發展的澳門大學艾德森高級教育中心, 於1月13日下午舉行交接儀式。 艾德森高級教育中心成立目的是為澳門人才提供非博彩業高級教育及管理課程。 教育中心將於下月投入服務。

澳門大學艾德森高級教育中心的交接儀式於1月13日下午3時半在該教育中心演講廳舉行。 由拉斯維加斯金沙集團股份有限公司總裁及營運總裁威廉.懷德先生, 澳門大學校長趙偉教授共同主持。

由威尼斯人路氹股份有限公司投資興建, 耗資1500萬澳門元, 佔地15,446平方呎的澳門大學艾德森高級教育中心位於威尼斯人的大運河購物中心, 是澳門大學的附屬教學中心。 中心設有100座位的演講廳, 6間可容納30至48人的多功能課室, 2間會議室及500平方呎對外開放的中小企業資源中心。 澳門大學將負責提供非博彩教學的高級培訓課程包括會議展覽, 旅遊接待, 娛樂統籌, 綜合度假村和零售管理等。 拉斯維加斯金沙集團則會就上述專業課程提供資源及課程設計等專業支援。 中心的長遠計劃是發展成為澳門大學的新部門, 集會展, 零售管理及娛樂統籌於一身的教學中心。

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